Big Data & AI Accelerator

Get hired with Big Data + AI

The Big Data & Gen AI Bootcamp is designed to equip you with the essential skills of a data analyst in 5 months part-time study. In FUNDAMENTAL, you'll build the foundation by learning basic programming and data knowledge. In CORE, you'll dive into leveraging Generative AI to empower data applications and prepare for Databricks Certified Data Analyst certification. In ENHANCED, you'll expand your skillset and get ready for Databricks Certified Machine Learning and Certified Data Engineer certifications. Finally in JOB, we will provide you with the techniques to land your first big data role after completing the bootcamp.

Big Data & Gen AI Bootcamp


Gain data industry recognition

Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate

After completing the core training, you can perform introductory data analysis tasks with Databricks and be ready for the certfication.

Databricks Certified Machine Learning Associate

After completing the enhanced training, you can perform basic machine learning tasks with Databricks and be ready for the certfication.

Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate

After completing the enhanced training, you can perform introductory data engineering tasks with Databricks and be ready for the certfication.


From Beginner to Practitioner

Course Code: de5001
Medium of teaching: English & Cantonese
For who: Upgrade career with Big Data + AI or start a new career as Data Analyst or Data Engineer
Before Start: Pre-study bootcamp materials
2-months: Programming and Data foundation
2-months: Gen AI and ML Applications
1-month: Build Custom Portfolio for Career
3-weeks: Prepare Certification
1-month & Ongoing: Coach for Job Hunting
Fundamental Training (2 Months)
Module 1: Big Data Fundamental
  • Apply Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and different types of big data analytics including descriptive, prescriptive and predictive analytics to gain valuable insights from data.
Module 2: Basic Statistics for Data
  • Interpret big data with statistical concepts and techniques, including descriptive statistics, probability, sampling and hypothesis testing.
Module 3: Python Programming
  • Write programs from basic syntax to using advanced libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn to process tables, arrays and images.
Module 4: Development Tools
  • Use IDE and AI tools to enhance programming capabilities, including running programs on virtual environment (anaconda, virtualenv) with PyCharm, co-programming and versioning through Github, Gitlab, using AI tools such as ChatGPT debugging program and Code Interpreter for Copilot.
Module 5: Web Scraping with Python
  • Use libraries such as BeautifulSoup, Selenium to automate data collection, parse HTML, handle dynamic content, and overcome common scraping challenges.
Module 6: Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Use SQL such as PostgreSQL, Spark SQL to create, modify, filter and arrange data, combine different tables through joins and union, and perform aggregation calculations such as max, min, group by.
Module 7: From Database to Data Warehouse
  • Learn different data storage such as database, data warehouse & data lake. Learn popular databases such as Big Query, MySQL, MongoDB.
Module 8: Command-line Operation
  • Navigate and manage computing environment using the command-line interface. Master essential commands, file management, scripting and automation.
Module 9: Data Visualization with BI tools
  • Use popular visualization tools such as Power BI, Tableau to connect data pipelines to automatically import data, and create dashboards to present data analysis results by dragging & dropping.

Core Training (2 Months)
Module 1: Basic Mathematics for Data
  • Learn the mathematical concepts underpinnings of machine learning algorithms and Generative AI including linear algebra, calculus and optimization.
Module 2: Machine Learning
  • Use popular machine learning models such as k-means clustering, XGBoost, logistic regression for customer segmentation and sentiment analysis. Learn popular machine learning tools scikit-learn.
Module 3: Time Series Forecasting
  • Use the statistical model ARIMA and regression models to predict product inventory and sales. Learn statistical modeling tool statsmodels.
Module 4: Advanced Machine Learning
  • Use deep learning algorithms such as neural network to process speech, text and images with tools such as PyTorch, Tensorflow.
Module 5: Generative AI Fundamentals
  • Explores the principles and practical use cases of large language models such as BERT, LLaMA, Hugging Face and other generative AI technologies. Use tools like VectorDB and Langchain to build data applications.
Module 6: Cloud Deployment and CICD
  • Use cloud computing GCP, AWS, Azure, cooperate with Flask, API provision, AWS Sagemaker and other tools to deploy machine learning models as web services. Learn how to use Docker, AWS ECS to containerize programs to improve deployment flexibility.
Module 7: Databricks Certified Data Analyst
  • Learn Databricks SQL services such as Delta Lake, Data Explorer and use SQL in Lakehouse to complete data work. Get prepared for the Databricks certification exam for Data Analyst.

  • Target Certification: Databricks Certified Data Analyst - Associate

Enhanced Training (3 Weeks)
Module 1: Databricks Certified Machine Learning
  • Learn the machine learning decision process, including feature engineering, model optimization, evaluation and selection. Scale machine learning solutions with Spark ML and other tools through Databricks. Get prepared for the Databricks certification exam for Data Scientist.

  • Target Certification: Databricks Certified Machine Learning - Associate
Module 2: Databricks Certified Data Engineer
  • Master the Databricks Lakehouse Platform, Apache Spark SQL and Python to design and implement ETL pipelines while maintaining entity permissions. Get prepared for the Databricks certification exam for Data Engineer.

  • Target Certification: Databricks Certified Data Engineer - Associate


Two Options fulfill your purpose

Standard Bootcamp for New CareerLight Bootcamp for Skill Upgrade
1. Learning Experience
Pre-camp consultation
Onsite + Remote + Video Replay lectures
16 workshops + 10 assignments + 100 knowledge quiz
5 bootcamp projects + 1 custom project for portfolio
Lifetime Online learning portal access
Personal academic scorecard + Certificate by DANGER
Unlimited tutoring support + Lifetime bootcamp access
Daily campus self-study
2. Enhanced Training with Databricks Certification
3-weeks knowledge boost
Certificate exam preparation
Certificate mock exam
3. Career Support
1 career planning
8 regular coaching
Unlimited resume upgrade
Unlimited mock interview
On-demand job referral
FDM program acceleration
Standard Price

*Check out other discount offers availble now.

Campaign Offer with rebate HK$44,500
Campaign Offer with rebate HK$29,500

Schedule a Consultation

Course Structure

End-to-end support for your new career

1. Career Consultation

Not sure how to achieve your career goal? Our career coach with industry experience will listen and advise the best solution during 1-on-1 consultation

2. Lectures

Join our lectures and learn as much as you can from our experienced instructors under each specialised topic

3. Workshops

Join our workshops and practice what you have learnt together with your classmates like a real data analyst

4. Online Learning Portal

Revisit the key concepts learnt in bootcamp through our interactive online portal, anytime and anywhere

5. Showcase Portfolio

Work on your custom project under the supervision of our experienced instructors to build your showcase portfolio for future job reference

6. Career Support

Our industry network, partnership with recruiters, networking events, resume preparation and mock interview will help you find the first data job

Course Outcome

Choose your new career path

Data Analyst

Become a data analyst to solve business problems by gathering and interpreting data. You will present your findings by putting together visualizations like charts and graphs.

Data Engineer

Become a data engineer to build and maintain the analytics infrastructure. You will organize the collection, processing and storing of data from different sources.

Empower your current role

Step up in your current role with data science and data engineering skills like task automation, job scheduling and result prediction.

Why DANGER Bootcamp

Professional Big Data Bootcamp elevates your career

Industry Instructors Support

Our curriculum is designed by industry practitioners, covering both business, data science and data engineering. We ensure bootcamp graduates are equipped with the skills demanded by the employers.

Career Coaching Support

At the end of the bootcamp, we will work with career coach to help you get your first job, including project presentation, resume workshop, mock interview and career events (e.g. networking, seminars).

Alumni Community Support

Once you graduate, you belong to the DANGER community and have access to our exclusive alumni network including experience sharing, job opportunities and any career events.

Recent Openings

What is your next availability?

No upcoming class schedule, stay tuned!

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Danger Education add boosters to your career path



    1 Year of exp.
    Develop applications of larger scale; Possess cross-domain knowledge
    DE05: Machine Learning
    (10 weeks; normal pacings)


    2 Years of exp.
    Work well with other developers; Familiar with collaboration tools
    DE50: Algorithm and system design
    (10 weeks; normal pacings)


    3 Years of exp.
    Master in a specific domain, develop in fast and accurate manner


    5 Years of exp.
    Familiar in multiple domain; Perform system design; Develop optimized and well-organized program and system

    Our location

    Main Office
    Unit 1701, 17/F, Pan Asia Centre, 137 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
    Office Hour
    Monday to Sunday
    11am to 8pm

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    +852 9637 5432 
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